Posts Tagged ‘#rediscover’
Webinar Series – Nourishing your Soul
Background This webinar series focuses on overcoming the emotionally overwhelming challenge of decluttering sentimental things. These include photo albums, travel memorabilia, and souvenirs that just keep on growing in your house over the years. Even if your children have started their own family, their belongings are still with you because you can’t bear to part…
Read MoreCreative Grandparenting to Connecting Generations
Background Grandparents have a special role to play. Their experience can provide trusted guidance and help their grandchildren feel a broader sense of safety and stability in today’s lives. Introduction What do grandparents want to share? They like to leave something that the grandchildren can remember them by (see blog Legacy of Life Stories –…
Read MoreWorkshop Reflection March 2019
The two workshops in collaboration with NUS Society and WINGS had just been completed in March: (1) Key Highlights of Workshop at NUSS Mar 19 2) Key Highlights of Workshop at WINGS Mar 19 Kowling and I enjoyed the interaction, exchange and sharing with the students. Now that I had conducted more classes and got…
Read MoreLearn, Unlearn and Relearn
It is said that sixty is the new forty in the new age of ageing. Longer, healthier lives lead to the current generation hitting middle age later. This argument has gained acceptance with evidence supported by the longevity of Hollywood film stars and evergreen singers. The well-known politician Dr Mahathir returns to power in his…
Read MoreGreen Hybrid Chinese New Year Card Idea
In last year’s blog titled ‘Three Electronic Scrapbook Ideas for Chinese New Year’, I mentioned that one can create a personalised new year card by converting it digitally and augmenting it with a handwritten message to make it more personalised. Now let me elaborate on the possibilities of this approach. For example, let’s start with…
Read MoreReflection before New Year Resolution
Do you ever notice that most retail shops changed their decoration to that of the Chinese New Year theme on Christmas Day? We are going to say goodbye to the year 2018 and usher in 2019 in barely a week’s time! Is strange, is it peculiar to me only that Dec 31 feels so different…
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