Webinar Series – Nourishing your Soul

Webinar Series - Nourishing your Soul
Webinar Series – Nourishing Your Soul


This webinar series focuses on overcoming the emotionally overwhelming challenge of decluttering sentimental things. These include photo albums, travel memorabilia, and souvenirs that just keep on growing in your house over the years. Even if your children have started their own family, their belongings are still with you because you can’t bear to part with them. Sounds familiar?

Introduction: A new way of decluttering

The four-week-long webinar series will help you trim down your physical albums and free up the storage on your phone. The usual practice is to divide your sentimental things into different categories: which are ‘to keep’, ‘to discard’, and ‘to give away’. It is not surprising that most of them will probably fall under the ‘to keep’ category. How can we give them a new lease of life so they live in the digital world instead of the physical world?

The Solution

The solution is to use a digital collage to reduce the number of photos to keep. As a result, you will experience the joy of ‘less is more’, and share your creative work with loved ones. Every collection of photos has a story behind it. You will learn how to distil the media content in your physical albums and mobile phones. Depending on your preference, you can create a short video slideshow with music, an eBook with animated page flipping or an electronic scrapbook with a unique design. This enables you to share precious moments with your loved ones anytime and anywhere. The result is a multi-media presentation that preserves your memories and engages your audience. As you have given your sentimental collection a new lease of life, hence there will be less compulsion to keep them! Therefore, this method proves to have a higher chance of success! Anyone can do it and it works! 

Life is not a race. In this process, we achieve the objectives of reducing, minimizing, and repurposing. This exercise gives us an opportunity to reflect, rediscover, and reframe our perspectives. An eBook or electronic scrapbook is not just a mere collection of photos and collages. It reflects your thoughts, insights, and words of wisdom to leave behind for the next generation. It is like a precursor to writing your own life story.

A glimpse of the ‘Tell Your Story with Digital Scrapbook’ webinar successfully completed in May 2020

Tell Your Story with Digital Scrapbook Webinar Series Highlights

In Summary

The webinar makes up of 4 lessons over 4 weeks. Please check out the webinar series schedule for the details and availability. So don’t wait anymore and tell yourself you can do it later. Take the step to start this therapeutic and fulfilling journey to do what makes your soul happy.

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