An Attitude of Gratitude for 2020

The year 2020 is remembered with mixed feelings as a pandemic year. To many, this has been an annus horribilis with a global impact far and wide. While the misfortune has been awful, well documented, and shared, I like to focus on what individuals can do to bring cheers and uplifting energy to support one another (also see blog A Meaningful Cause during the Circuit Breaker Period).
The NUS Senior Alumni Tea and Chat
One such opportunity is the NUS Senior Alumni Tea and Chat program. The November NUS Senior Alumni Tea & Chat session fell on 26 Nov, which was Thanksgiving Day. Dr William Wan, General Secretary of the Singapore Kindness Movement, was the keynote speaker. I led the learners in the ‘Tell Your Story with Electronic Scrapbook (Intermediate)’ workshop to create a gratitude journal in the form of a slideshow. We were to share the class projects in the session too.
Sharing of Gratitude
Still fresh in our memory was the experience during the Circuit Breaker of COVID-19. Here were the snapshots shared by the workshop learners.
“As I step out and look around us, I find things that we enjoy and take for granted. I become more aware of the surroundings and rediscover the joy around us.”
“We are living in Garden City. In each of us, there is a secret garden. I am grateful to capture the peace, joy, and serenity in the form of a gratitude journal to share with my loved ones.”
“During the Circuit Breaker period, I find myself slowing down to do many things which I treasure. Celebrating birthdays with family members, working on new paintings, learning Zoomba and, creating an ebook. “
“The fear and uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation meant my constant need to stay vigilant to keep me safe and healthy. I kept myself physically and mentally engaged so that I can continue to care for my mum. I stay active and positive through many learning and sharing Zoom sessions.”
Indeed, every challenge is also an opportunity. It depends on how we seize the day and refocus our energy. We need encouragement from one another, to get like-minded friends to soldier on and contribute in kind. When there is a will, there is a way.
Moving ahead, let’s continue to support each other and grow stronger as a nation.