Charting a Course for New Growth

A New Look for Orchid Creative Website
It has been almost three years since I started my journey as a small business entrepreneur. It is time to review, reflect and regroup.
The business environment is unpredictable, dynamic, and competitive. Hence, I have decided to reduce the focused segments from three to one. This leads to the dropping of the parents and teachers segments and focuses on the seniors. Since the first workshop kick-started in Aug 2018 at the NUS Society, a total of 5 workshop offerings are now available in the Tell Your Stories series. (Please see web page ‘What we Offer’) I enjoy teaching and helping seniors to preserve their memories with digital tools. If creativity helps us to expand and enrich our lives, I am excited about the opportunity to touch every learner to make a difference in this creative journey.
I am very grateful for the support and encouragement from my family and friends. I like to thank my partner in crime Kowling for her dedication, patience and trust in me. Our methodology combining complementary artistic and digital approaches makes learning intuitive. The ‘Tell Your Stories’ series of workshops bears testimony to our successful collaboration and teamwork.
We started with teaching workshops sponsored by the National Silver Academy and they are mySkillsFuture credit eligible. We pivoted to online courses during the Circuit Breaker Period, laying the foundation for our own value-added workshop offerings.
Despite the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the number of classes offered had continued to grow (Please see blog 2020 Year in Review).
In Summary
As business moves into the post-coronavirus future, I resolve to build a community that together engages needy Singaporeans as a giveback to society. Despite the challenges ahead, it is a personal goal that I am determined to achieve.