A Reflection on 3 Years of COVID-19 Pandemic

Courage to continue

Introduction During the past three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore introduced a slew of measures, including mandatory mask-wearing, contact tracing, and restrictions on gathering. John Dowey said: ‘We do not learn from experience, we learn by reflecting on experience.’ Hence my motivation behind my self-reflection on the impact of the pandemic on teaching, learning,…

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Living Your Purpose – Care Pack for COVID-19

Care Pack for COVID-19

Introduction I like to help to lighten up the atmosphere as Singapore stepped up restrictions with The Singapore COVID-19 heightened alert. It is expected to last for a month between 16 May to 13 June. The Care Pack With the world COVID-19 situation getting worse, what I can do to help? I came across a…

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An Attitude of Gratitude for 2020

An Attitude for Gratitude for 2020

Introduction The year 2020 is remembered with mixed feelings as a pandemic year. To many, this has been an annus horribilis with a global impact far and wide. While the misfortune has been awful, well documented, and shared, I like to focus on what individuals can do to bring cheers and uplifting energy to support…

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Tell Your Story and Leave a Legacy with eScrapbook

Tell your legacy story with eScrapbook

Background I felt honoured to present on the topic ‘Tell your story and leave a legacy with eScrapbook’ to share my experience with some 70 participants at the NUS Senior Alumni Tea and Chat session. I was eager to put my teaching experience in recent years into good use. (Please refer to blogs Webinar Series-Nourishing…

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A Meaningful Cause during the Circuit Breaker Period

Background Between 5 April and 1 June, Singapore entered an unprecedented Circuit Breaker period to curb the spread of COVID-19. The government introduced measures to minimise social interaction and community activities. Schools and workplaces were closed. Only essential services that support daily needs remained open. Everyone played a part While there was uncertainty and fear…

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Legacy of Life Stories – Mission Impossible?

Leaving behind a legacy? It seems mission impossible. Really? Think again! Leaving behind a legacy? It seems mission impossible. Really? Think again! What do we mean by legacy? Sometimes we heard about legacy planning. But what I am talking about is not related to money matters or inheritance. It is about leaving something of significance…

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